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Showing posts with the label Kitchen garden

Find happiness in growing things - the joys of an indoor herb gardener!

  Find happiness in growing things - the joys of an indoor herb gardener! Spending a little time gardening is a great way to balance out a busy working week. Watching something grow that you have nurtured is a great joy and if you can harvest the produce so much the better. But not all of us have out-door space and some really do have very little time. So how can you enjoy the pleasure of growing something green? Well, many herbs grow quite happily indoors with the right conditions. They don't take much looking after, most look good and, yes, you do get to harvest them for cooking.  You will find all kinds of herbs in your local garden centres and you can find them on-line. I would recommend buying plant pugs (young plants) rather than growing from seed. Growing herbs from seed can be frustrating. The biggest challenge when growing indoors is providing the right light. Many herbs will live very happily on a sunny windowsill but you do need to chec...