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Showing posts with the label Stress

Worrying: We all do it - tips to help you stop.

Worrying: We all do it Worrying is an experience we all share. We all worry about things from time to time. However, for some people, worrying can become a problem that can interfere with their daily lives. Do you, or someone you love,  you find yourself worrying all the time. There are things you can do to reduce it. Here are a few tips. Tips to help you stop worry and feeling anxious What sets you off? What are y our triggers. What are the things that typically trigger your worrying? Once you know what your triggers are, you can start to make changes. You may be able to avoid them or you can develop coping mechanisms for dealing with them. Challenge your thoughts. When you start to worry, ask yourself if your thoughts are realistic. Are you really going to get fired from your job? Is your spouse really going to leave you? Chances are, your thoughts are not as realistic as they seem. Focus on the present moment. When you start to worry, take a few deep breaths and focus on the her...

Saturday Reflection - Contemplating Not Ruminating

So here I am on Saturday morning, sitting quietly at my desk and contemplating. Contemplating, not ruminating! The difference between those two words, and the process they describe, is huge. Contemplating means to consider something thoroughly. You take time to think fully or deeply. It helps to do it in your quiet place and to settle your mind before you start. Ruminating means dwelling on something without reaching any real conclusions. You brood on it, turning it over and over in your mind, You agonize and worry and the thoughts run on and on. You just can't let go. But it doesn't actually get you any nearer to a solution. The thoughts run like a ticker tape through your head. Ruminating is often a sign of stress. Stress is a very common experience. Often, I work with clients who feel stressed. Learning how to bring themselves wholly into the present helps them a great deal. In this post I explain what I teach them. Feeling stressed? Learn to be present! C...
Feeling stressed? Learn to be present! Wendy Smith is a Career Coach and Life Coach   helping you to solve difficult problems at work Many of the great religions talk about the value of being able to sit quietly in the present. Sometimes this is a prelude to prayer – sometimes sitting in the present is the prayer or at perhaps a step on the way to enlightenment.  But only recently have we understood the psychological value of being wholly in the present, with or without the religion. I work with clients who feel stressed. And being able to bring themselves wholly into the present can be a great help to them. Here is what I teach them to do. My practice of presence! Find yourself a quiet spot.  This can be a pleasant spot within your home, or somewhere quiet at work.  It is great if you can do the exercise out of doors in your garden or even on a park bench.  But you need somewhere where you can sit for a few minutes and no...

Finding your quiet place!

Finding your quiet place! Lots of us have one already – a quiet place that we like to visit or at the very least remember. It can be a great source of solace when times are hard. Or simply when things are a bit fraught. But do you know that your quiet place doesn't have to be out there? It can just as easily be inside you if you take the time to find it. And once found, of course, it becomes completely portable. You can take it with as you travel about your busy life. To find your quiet place you need first to find a somewhere to do the work. Find a room or open space that feels safe for you. Sit comfortably. Now follow these simple steps. ·         Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth slowly. ·         Fill up the whole of your lungs with air, without forcing. ·         Imagine you're filling up a bottle, ...

An easy, basic, meditation technique for beginners

An easy, basic, meditation technique for beginners  Easy Meditation  An easy, basic meditation technique for beginners with Amamda Russell from BEXLIFE

Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes

Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes When is the last time you did absolutely nothing for 10 whole minutes? Not texting, talking or even thinking? Mindfulness expert Andy Puddicombe describes the transformative power of doing just that: Refreshing your mind for 10 minutes a day, simply by being mindful and experiencing the present moment. (No need for incense or sitting in strange positions.) You can find free resources from Any to help you at this link TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter:

The Simplest Way To Relax

The Simplest Way To Relax Most relaxation techniques combine breathing more deeply with relaxing your muscles. Don't worry if you find it difficult to relax at first. It's a skill that needs to be learned and it will come with practice. Practise for three to five minutes, two to three times a day! You can use this technique whenever you feel the need to calm down! Relaxed breathing Practise deep breathing at a regular time and in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Loosen or remove any tight clothes and make yourself comfortable! If you can, sit in a comfortable chair which supports your head or lie on the floor or bed. Place your arms on the chair arms, or flat on the floor or bed, a little bit away from the side of your body with the palms up. If you’re lying down, stretch out your legs, keeping them hip-width apart or slightly wider. If you’re sitting in a chair, don’t cross your legs. Good relaxation always s...

Work-Life Balance - Work Is Also Life

Work-Life Balance - Work Is Also Life Another perspective! Speaking at the Alumni meet of the INSIGHT 2012 Business Leadership Program, Sadhguru answers a question on work-life balance. Sadhguru reminds us that work and life are not different. Instead of "working" five days a week and "living" two days a week, it is better to live seven days a week he says. For more information on INSIGHT 2013, visit

Stress - has yours led to anxiety and/or depression?

Stress - has yours led to anxiety and/or depression? Wendy Mason  is a Career Coach and Life Coach helping you to solve difficult problems at work and at home. Most of us know these days that long term pressure at work, or in other parts of our lives, can lead to stress. And we know that stress in turn is bad for us and can take a toll on both our bodies and our minds leading, among other things, to anxiety and depression. But how do you know when to seek help? If you answer yes to the questions below, you may need to talk to someone.  Do you feel unfulfilled in your day-to-day life - has life lost it's flavour?  Are you unable to enjoy the things that once gave you pleasure? Do you feel that you are stuck in your life at work or at home and can't see a way out? Do you look for ways to avoid situations that make you anxious?  Do you worry that you are about to have a panic attack, or feel as if you are going crazy?  Do you feel sad,...

Stress Management and Relaxation

Stress Management and Relaxation No matter what life path you have chosen, knowing the importance of stress management and relaxation is key. Being able to manage your stress level will improve the quality of your life and also the quality of your work. Stress Management Techniques Learning stress management and relaxation techniques is important for anyone. Know Your Triggers:  Be aware of what situations make you the most stressed, and try to avoid them if you can. When stressful situations occur, try to put them into perspective. Acknowledging that a certain situation is a trigger for you, is the first step in learning how to manage your stress. Exercise, Eat Well And Get Enough Sleep Find time in your schedule for 15 to 30 minutes of exercise each day. Exercising will help you focus your energy and work out your frustration. Eat a good mixed diet with lots of fresh fruit, natural cereals and fresh vegetables. Sleep in a quiet, comfortable room without th...

Welcome to the Wisewolf Christmas Newsletter for 2013

Welcome to the Wisewolf Christmas Newsletter for  2013 So Christmas comes round once again and, of course, much more quickly than we expect.  2013 has been a momentous year for me, full of a rich mixture of highs and lows. I’ve had an opportunity to work with some amazing clients which is always inspiring. I go on learning – in November I was awarded an advanced diploma in life coaching with a distinction. And this year I published my first novel with a second one in October. Now I’m working on book three together with a television play – so 2014 should be exciting. But there has been sadness this year too; like many others, I’ve lost people that I love. I hope that 2013 for you has had far more ups than downs and that you finish the year with a real appreciation of all that you have achieved so far. December is a great month to take stock and one of the articles below is intended to help you do just that. You can read the rest of the Newsletter at the link belo...

Simple Relaxation

Simple Relaxation - A Visualization A basic relaxation technique. For more information see Wendy is the The Career Coach - helping you to find fresh perspectives on your Job Search and Career. She helps you work towards your goals and aspirations, in a way that fits in with both work and home life. Email her at ,  find her on Skype at wendymason14, or call +44 (0) 2081239146 (02081239146 for UK callers) or +1 262 317 9016 if you are in the US. A free trial/consultation allows you to try phone coaching from the comfort of your own home and without risk. Don't forget to ask about the Summer Special Offer  CV review and interview preparation and coaching to improve your confidence and self esteem are a speciality

Feeling Stressed: How To Calm Down In 10 Seconds

Feeling Stressed: How To Calm Down In 10 Seconds This video is from Steve Pavilanis, the author of the popular anxiety self-help book "A Life Less Anxious." Steve suffered for over 5 years from Panic Attacks and Extreme Social Anxiety. Now he helps others. Visit:  for your Free 23-Page Guide. Visit him on Facebook:   to get the first 55-pages of his award-winning book "A Life Less Anxious" for Free. Wendy is the The Career Coach - helping you to find fresh perspectives on your Job Search and Career. She helps you work towards your goals and aspirations, in a way that fits in with both work and home life. Email her at ,  find her on Skype at wendymason14, or call +44 (0) 2081239146 (02081239146 for UK callers) or +1 262 317 9016 if you are in the US. A free trial/consultation allows you to try phone coaching from the comfort of ...

Lower Your Blood Pressure With Isometric Exercises

Lower Your Blood Pressure With Isometric Exercises Recently researchers from the American Heart Association looked at ways to lower blood  pressure . They were surprised to find that doing a series of isometric hand-grip exercises lowered blood pressure by 10%! The exercises are very simple; just hold a stress ball (or any toy foam ball) in your hand and squeeze firmly for 10 seconds, breathing deeply and evenly. Rest and repeat five times. You can buy foam balls in toy shop but I rather like squeezy Stress Ball Paul from Amazon. And some find him very helpful in other ways; "He sits on my desk and inspires me not to let certain people get to me. He reminds me that I'm not that person who gives in anymore. I am stronger." Wendy is the The Career Coach - helping you to find fresh perspectives on your Job Search and Career. She helps you work towards your goals and aspirations, in a way that fits in with both work and home life. Email her at  wendymason@w...

Stress Management: Muscle Relaxation Techniques

Stress Management: Muscle Relaxation Techniques Learn how to relax with muscle relaxation techniques in this stress management video. Expert: Samantha Ibarguen  You can find out more about her at Howcast uploads the highest quality how-to videos daily! Be sure to check out our playlists for guides that interest you: Wendy is the The Career Coach - helping you to find fresh perspectives on your Job Search and Career. She helps you work towards your goals and aspirations, in a way that fits in with both work and home life. Email her at ,  find her on Skype at wendymason14, or call +44 (0) 2081239146 (02081239146 for UK callers) or +1 262 317 9016 if you are in the US. A free trial/consultation allows you to try phone coaching from the comfort of your own home and without risk. Don't forget to ask about the Summer Special Offer  CV review and interview preparation and coa...

Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: How to stay calm consistently!

Stress and Anxiety: How to stay calm consistently! Staying calm consistently requires you to keep a few very important things in mind. Learn how to stay calm consistently with help from licensed marriage and family therapist, Roberta Marowitz Wendy Mason is the The Career Coach - helping you to find fresh perspectives on your Job Search and Career. She helps you work towards your goals and aspirations, in a way that fits in with both work and home life. Email her at ,  find her on Skype at wendymason14, or call +44 (0) 2081239146 (02081239146 for UK callers) or +1 262 317 9016 if you are in the US. A free trial/consultation allows you to try phone coaching from the comfort of your own home and without risk. Don't forget to ask about the Summer Special Offer  CV review and interview preparation and coaching to improve your confidence and self esteem are a speciality

Music to relax to!

Music to relax to! Sit back and just enjoy! Music, sounds of nature and pictures Wendy Mason is the Happiness Coach and author of a new novel,   The Wolf Project.   Wendy is a life and career coach and writer. She is passionate about helping people find happiness at work and at home! She helps people reach their goals and aspirations, without sacrificing their home and personal life.  She believes coaching requires compassion, warmth and empathy. Wendy helps people reach their career goals and aspirations, without sacrificing their home and personal life. You can contact Wendy at  and find out more at CV review and interview preparation a speciality

How you can stay calm under pressure!

How you can stay calm under pressure! We all have times when we need to stay calm under pressure, for example, for an important speech or presentation.  Here is a great tip from communication skills coach, Richard Newman, a specialist in body language and presentation skills for business.  The background is lovely, not so the sound, but it is still a great tip.   If staying calm is a real problem for you, then get in touch, I've worked successfully by Skype with people who have had the same issue. Wendy Mason is the Happiness Coach and author of a new novel,   The Wolf Project.   Wendy is a life and career coach and writer. She is passionate about helping people find happiness at work and at home! She helps people reach their goals and aspirations, without sacrificing their home and personal life.  She believes coaching requires compassion, warmth and empathy. Wendy helps people reach their career goals and aspirations,...