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Showing posts with the label dehydration

Is your tiredness due to dehydration?

Is your tiredness due to dehydration? A recent survey found that one in five people suffering from fatigue were actually dehydrated. Usually this was because they were not drinking enough. When you don't get enough fluids, the amount of blood in your blood vessels drops and your heart has to pump extra hard to pump blood round your body.  Remember we are made up of 70% water and all parts of your body, including essential organs like your brain, depend upon it. So drinking plenty of fluid is important. But keep in mind that coffee and alcohol are diuretics and they actually dehydrate the body, So you need to balance them by drinking lots of good, fresh, water. When you are dehydrated, you may feel weak and your urine is likely to be dark instead of pale yellow.  Eating five portions of fruit and vegetables each day will help because they contain water. You should also drink 2 litres of water e...