Finding Comfort Wendy Mason is a Career Coach and Life Coach helping you to solve difficult problems at work and at home. Do you need comfort? Try some of these! Kiss your husband/wife or partner or give your best friend a hug – tell them you love them. Cuddle a baby – touch base with the young mother in your circle and share some time with her and the little one. Take your dog for a walk or play with the cat. Animals are great non-judgemental company! Call your Mum or a friend you haven’t seen for a long time! Weed your garden. If you don’t have one, find out about local community gardens and join in. Going back to the earth is a great way to touch base with yourself. Go on a walk through the woods and experience the smells and sights around you. Take lots of pictures and share your walk on Facebook Sit in the park and people-watch then find a little cafe and have tea/coffee and cak...