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Showing posts with the label when your friends don't like your boyfriend

Relationships – when your friends don't like your partner!

Relationships – when your friends don't like your partner! When your friends or relatives don't like the person you have chosen to with, what do you do? Well, first of all, you are not alone! Many of us have been through the same experience. And many of us we have found ourselves not liking the partners that our friends have chosen. So what can you do? Most important, you need to know why! Don't just respond by dismissing your friends' concerns. Try to find out what it is about your partner that bothers them. Are they feeling left out and neglected? Are they afraid that your relationship with your partner will have a big effect on your relationship you have with them? Are they feeling feeling confused and neglected, because you are making much less time for them. If they are alone, or in an unhappy relationship, is your happiness with your partner painful for them to bear. You won't know until you talk to them. But you do nee...