Time Management – Find Your Prime Time
four earlier posts about Time Management;
that the first four steps in managing time are;
- To be clear about your purpose and your direction in life,
- To know how you spend your time
- To include an emotional element in your time management program.
- To become better organized
you need to find out your best time to work!
people are “owls” and work best in the late afternoon. Others
are “larks” and love to wake up early and get on with their work.
One is not better than the other, they are just different.
One is not better than the other, they are just different.
is best to do your most demanding tasks when you are alert and at
your best – work at your best internal prime time.
people are larks and for them the best time for any chore that
requires solitude, concentration and creative thinking is best done
before 10 am.
probaly work best from the mid-afternoon. But there are variations
and you need to work out what works best for you.
will accomplish more and with less effort during your personal prime
time. For me that time is between 3 and 6pm. And I find if I can
keep that time clear for thinking tasks I get lots done.
helps if you let others know when it is best not to interrupt you.
with some self observation, you will work out when it is good for you to hold conversations and work with others. You can then use that
time for phone calls and for meetings that you arrange. It is no surprise that many find they get lots done over coffee mid-morning or
over a late-afternoon drink.
out what works best for you!
you would like help learning to manage your time - get in touch. My
email address is below.
Want to be a Confident Networker? Join my free teleseminar on 26thJune 2012
Mason is a Life and Career Coach. She helps people have the
confidence they need to be successful at work and to change career
while maintaining a good work/life balance. You can email her
at wendymason @wisewolfcoaching.com
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