Today we have an interesting and thought-provoking guest post on career development on sister blog, WiseWolf Talking. It is from Lindsey Harper Mac. Lindsey is a professional writer living in the Indianapolis area. She specializes in writing guest posts on social media and education. Currently, Lindsey is completing work on her master’s degree.
When most people talk about making a career change, that decision is the product of discontent, job loss, or both. Few people make it through the course of their careers without changing direction at least once. Lindsey discusses why exploring these different options is healthy for anyone, prompting contemplative thought about what, exactly, they want to do with their lives.
You can read her post at this link http://wisewolftalking.com/2012/07/18/why-be-the-best-when-you-could-be-the-one-making-the-rules/
Wendy Mason is a career coach working mainly with professional women who want to make that jump to senior level while having a life outside work. Before working as a coach, Wendy had a long career in both the public and private sectors in general management and consultancy as well as spells in HR. She now divides her time between face to face coaching, and coaching and blogging on-line. You can contact Wendy at wendymason@wisewolfcoaching.com and find out more at http://wisewolfcoaching.com
Email Wendy now at wendymason@wisewolfcoaching.com for a free half hour coaching session by phone or Skype
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