Don't regret

'I don’t regret anything I have done or anyone I met. There
was a reason for every one – either they’re long lasting friends or they’re to
teach me about distance or to show me that holding onto something isn’t worth
I only regret the time I wasted not making the most of every
moment – when, at uni, I used to stay in every night – not making anything
happen when I could have.
You never know what could happen.
Don’t waste it.
You only get one chance. So go be free. No one has the right
to tell you how to live. I know the future may appear dismal right now, but I
promise somewhere there is a star waiting to shine above you.
In life, there are 3 things you need:
- A wishbone;
- A backbone;
- A funny bone ;)
You need to humour yourself – make yourself laugh. Whatever
that may be. Take life one breathe at a time. And it might hurt, but how are we
supposed to appreciate things when they are good if they don’t get bad?
Although sometimes it seems like the bad totally outweighs the good, but we all
go through life at different stages. Never lose sight of your dreams.
Stephanie Carfrae, Creative Writing Graduate. Find her blog
at and
her video introduction at
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