The Value of friendship
I've been thinking about the value of friendship and how lucky I've been.
I've lived a long and quite complicated life. So I've met all kinds of people. And they have come from all kinds of places across the world. Some I have known quite briefly. Everyone you work with doesn't become a friend in life. That is even though you may enjoy working together for a while. Although I do have many friends that I met in the course of my work.
Friends for life
I have friends as well that I made at the beginning of my life. I have two in particular that I've known from the age of four or five. One lived close to me at home. Our mothers were friends and so we played together as toddlers. We drifted apart for many years and then through the wonders of social media, and Facebook in particular, we found each other again.
The other friend I've known all my life, I met during my first year at school. I'd started school a few months ahead of her at the age of four. I can remember her first day and our very early encounters. Again our mothers were friends but their friendship formed a result as a result of our friendship. We led very different kinds of lives but we kept him touch. Sometimes this was only a few words written on a Christmas card. For various reasons , we hadn't seen each other for 30 years. But somehow when we did get together again, something rather wonderful happened. Our friendship was just as strong and we kind of picked up from where we'd left things. And now we as close as ever.
Friends met in other places
I have other friends that I've made through work as well as friends I've met through social media. Some social media friends have become friends in the real world.
I have other friends and their partners who have become friends far more recently. But I love them just as deeply.
Treasure your friends
The value of friendship can't be measured in gold. I treasure my friends and I value them. They are one of the greatest gifts that life has given me. And I celebrate them everyone.
Sometimes take a moment to think about and value your friendships. Think about how much those people mean to you. One secret I've learned is that you can make friends at any age, if you are open to the possibilities.
Water your friendships regularly
Relationships are important and we need to nurture them like plants. I was lucky. I neglected some of mine and didn't water them regularly. But luckily they survived the drought. I wouldn't recommend taking the same risk with yours. Take time care for your friends and in turn I'm sure they will care for you. But for now just concentrate on valuing and giving.
is a Life Coach, Career Coach,
Wendy has written a little eBook on how to get on with your boss and a book on job search - you can find her books on Amazon at this link

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