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Showing posts with the label Parent
Image via Wikipedia Confidence is learned!  From the day we are born our family, friends and the environment contribute to the development of our confidence.  But they can also contribute to our lack of confidence.  Day by day throughout our lives, we receive a barrage of messages.  This can encourage or erode our ability to develop confidence. Most parents want only the very best for their children. But if they, themselves, do not have the right skills how could they know how to encourage confidence in their child. If our parents lack confidence, we may become shy and lacking in confidence.  If parents are cold and distant we may grow up lacking confidence.  Or perhaps they found it difficult to praise or they were constantly criticizing that in turn can lead us to have a poor self image. With brothers and sisters, other family members and teachers, if we feel or are treated as different, or we find it difficult to fit in, lack of...