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Showing posts with the label organisational skills

Organisational skills for Uni or College

(Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Organisational skills for Uni or College If you have a family member going off to college this fall, they might find these basic but key tips on how to organise yourself for study  very useful. Organise your space Make sure the space is big enough to work. You will need: a writing surface where you can spread out your papers, books and files space for a computer bookshelves for books light so you can read without straining your eyes make sure that your computer is at a right angle to the window so light does not reflect on the screen You will probably need a computer for your studies. This means that you also need to consider Health and Safety factors such as ensuring that you have appropriate furniture and lighting. Organise your paper files work on A4 hole punched paper rather than shorthand notepads and small books - you will find this makes it easier to file your notes use a different coloured A4 ring file for each su...