Many of us struggle with the thought of making new friends when we leave home or move to a n ew place. Here are some pointers to help you on your way! Be yourself Real friends will like you for who you are, not who you try to be! If you put on an act when you first meet, then you will have to go on playing a part. Given time the other person will realise you were acting and be very disappointed. It may well mean you then lose a devloping friendship Spend more time around with other people You are not going to meet people sitting at home reading a book or, dare I say it, sitting in front of a computer. Go to places where you can meet other people – even a trip to the supermarket can bring you into contact with others. Join an organisation with common interests You don't have to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them. But finding a common interest can be a way to make friends. You can use the internet or your local lib...
Your Happiness Factor: celebrating happiness, prosperity, hearth and home with coaching and writing from Wendy Mason Smith