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Smile; you only get this moment once

Smile; you only get this moment once Here is another inspirational post from contributor, Stephanie Carfrae. She is a Creative Writing Graduate; you can find her own blog  at   and I think you will be inspired by Steph's videos on YouTube at  ‘ Smile; you’ll never get this moment again’ morbid yes, but so true.  Circumstances change in the blink of an eye, from how you’re feeling to the outside no-control zone. I call outside factors this because no one can control some things that happen in life, they just do.  We can view it either as making us stronger people (which it will) or go into the whole ‘Woe is me’ routine. The no-control zone is just like worrying. It makes no difference; it doesn’t stop the bad things from happening; they will come either way. It’s just a fact of life. Bad things come to teach us lessons. That’s all they do....

Your Help is Needed

Your Help is Needed Today, I'm seeking your help.  I've been writing posts about job search on my Wisewolf Talking blog for about four years. That isn't all I write about on that particular blog but recently it has been a popular subject. So I've decided to bring all the research I've done to produce those posts into a new book about job search.  I'm setting out my thoughts under six main headings:  • Job search today and creating an overall job search strategy  • Finding the right opportunities  • Becoming a good candidate  • Going through the recruitment process, with a detailed guide to managing interviews  • Making a good start in the new role  • Maintaining your confidence and self belief throughout  What I need from you now please, are your thoughts on the advice you would welcome most in a book like this.  • If you are looking for work, what is the nugget you would welcome?  • If you are a recruiter, what is it you wo...

How to deal with anger - a Guide from Mind

 How to deal with anger - a Guide from Mind About anger Many people have trouble managing their anger. The guide at the link below is for anyone who wants to learn how to deal with it in a constructive and healthy way. It is also for anyone with a friend or family member who has problems with anger. What is anger? Feeling angry is part of being human. It is a natural response to being attacked, insulted, deceived or frustrated. Sometimes, excessive anger can also be a symptom of some mental health problems. Here is the link to the guide - you can download a PDF Wendy Mason  is a Career Coach and Life Coach helping you to solve difficult problems at work

One chance at life

One chance at life Here is another inspirational post from contributor, Stephanie Carfrae. She is a Creative Writing Graduate; you can find her own blog  at   and I think you will be inspired by Steph's videos on YouTube at  If one bad happens in a day try not to let it affect the day’s productiveness. We’ve all had days when a bad thing happens first thing and the whole day is ruined because of it. But if you just refocus on the positive after the downfall – whatever it may be – you can turn a downward turn into an upward one.  Everyone fails at something in their life – a mis-venture or makes a million mistakes – there’s no plain sailing in life, even if it looks to be on the surface. You can never really tell what’s on someone else’s mind unless they tell you. Nor what’s bubbling beneath the surface of a smile. So try to be kind. One of...

Ten Reasons Why Happiness is Important

Ten Reasons Why Happiness is Important You might wonder why happiness is important. If you believe as I do that happiness is a choice and a skill that can be learned, why is it important enough to go out of your way for. Why choose happiness? We can find some good reasons in this list of ten things happy people have in common. Happy people: 1- Feel Good Happiness is fun and it feels good. That is a worthwhile reason why happiness is important all by itself. 2- Live Longer Many studies have shown that happy people live longer. One study followed nuns who wrote a short biographical sketch before taking their vows. At the age of 85, 90% of the nuns with cheerful biographies (top 25%) was still alive, compared to just 54% of the least cheerful. At 94 years of age, 54% of the most cheerful quarter were alive compared to only 11% of the least cheerful. Many other studies have shown similar results. 3- Have Better Health When life gives you lemons, make lemo...

Never give up!

Never give up! Today, we have another inspirational post from contributor, Stephanie Carfrae. She is a Creative Writing Graduate; you can find her own blog  at   and I think you will be inspired by Stephanie's  first video on  YouTube   Do you take everything at face value? I know I used to. There’s always a back-story as to why someone’s dressed a particular way or something happens. You may not see it at first, and it may be a part of their life that they don’t want to admit to. Everyone’s going through hard times, but not having the same experiences. Don’t feel alone, because everyone is going through life at their own pace. Though everything may look fine on the surface, you can never tell what someone’s going through. You don’t know how far someone’s come. You don’t know where they are in their life – whether they’re thinking of giving up or anything. Don’t take everything at face value; there are deeper r...

Setting Personal Goals For Life

Setting Personal Goals For Life Wendy Mason  is a Career Coach and Life Coach helping you find fresh perspectives on life and your career I am not convinced that setting detailed personal goals for the whole of your life actually works. We change so much throughout our life experience. But I do think having some ideas about what we want to achieve overall is a good idea – so long as they are subject to regular review. The first step in setting personal goals is to think about what you would like to achieve in the foreseeable future based an overall perspective of your life. You need to include all the important areas in your life. Here are some examples; Career What level do you want to reach in your career, or what do you want to achieve over say the next one, three and five years? Financial  How much do you want to earn and by what stage? How does this relate to your career goals? Learning  What knowledge would you like to acquire for wor...